Story Time and Mommie's Office

Hi Kitties,

I had a very fun story time this morning. I got to meet a lot of very nice children and everyone petted me. I was very, very polite. I got petted by at least 5 small hands at one time! After that, we walked over to my mommie's office and she showed me off to the people she used to work with, and they kitty-sitted me while she went to a meeting about some important non-kitty things.
After that we went home. Now I am relaxing on our new IKEA bed. It is very comfortable, especially on this new soft comforter and with the sun coming in the window. I think I will relax for the entire weekend because I do not have any visits scheduled for a whole week!
Have a happy, sunny, weekend, everyone!

Enjoying the Sunshine

Hi kitties,

Today I went on another Nursing Home visit. It was very fun. This time I went to different rooms and said "hello" to a lot of people. The activities coordinator who went with us, T., said that she thinks it is very very worth it for me even if I can just make one person smile. But of course I make everyone smile! Even the people working there always stop their day to give me some pettings.
I was a little bit edgy today, I think because I've been on a visit almost every day this week. I have another visit tomorrow morning for Story Time, and then after that I have a long break to relax.
Here is something that is great for my relaxation in between visits. It is a beatiful planted window well. Since we moved we do not have a pond but these plantings are fun because they bring a lot of bees and other insects for us to watch.

Story Time

Hi Kitties,

I almost forgot to post today, about last night's visit to the Nursing Home, and this morning's visit to the Library for Story Time. I have been to that Nursing Home many times so of course I got to see all my favorite friends there. And also, some new people.

But this morning was my very first day for Story Time. It is not the same as the Reading program which is older children, this is smaller children who don't read yet. We listened to a story about a cat and had a 'show and tell' all about me. The children wanted to know what I eat and what I use my whiskers for. Then everyone petted me, of course. There were about 6 children at Story Time. My friend M. was there, who comes with her older sister to the reading program. I am going again later this week because the theme of Story Time this week is "cats." My sister Veronica got invited to go instead of me one of the days but she is too shy. I got to go in my Stroller because it was not a Delta-visit.


A busy week ahead

Hi Kitties,

I have a very busy week ahead. I am visitng the Nursing Home, plus I am visiting the Library two time for a special kitty presentation. I am looking forward to it, and also, relaxing up for the week ahead! Here is me relaxing with the laundry. The laundry likes to relax for a long time in bed before it gets folded and put in the closet.

My mommy got a grant from an international foundation of economics to do an extension on her thesis research, with all positive referree reports! I am very happy about it. It means she is home less to play with us but we get a lot of catnip. For example, after mommie's bartending gig last week she used the earnings to buy us "pawbreakers", kitty treats made up entirely of catnip! They are coming in the mail soon.

Also, yesterday we had some visitors and my sister and I were showing off our tricks. We are still very, very good.



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