
Hello kitties!
We have received some great news today. Our parakeet Dasha is doing very well and she is climbing up to her perch and doing a good job at balancing. My mommie is going to pick her up from the hospital tomorrow morning! We have prepared a hard boiled egg and some other delicious snacks for her to eat when she comes home. I am hanging out on the porch with Mommie and the other 'keet, Romeo, and waiting for her return.

An update on our 'keet

Hi Kitties,
This is just a quick update to say that our parakeet Dasha is doing well. Our doctor called and she has gone through surgery fine and she is just now waking up and is on a lot of pain medications. They think that she will be okay but she might get an infection. I am just relaxing and watching Mommie do some work, and waiting for Dasha to come home on Friday.

A sad parakeet tale

Hello kitties!

I do not think I ever told you, that we have two small parakeets at our house named Romeo and Dasha. (We used to have Romeo and Juliet, only we discovered that Juliet was a boy so then she got her name changed to Jiles, but then Jiles died suddenly a few years ago so we got Dasha for Romeo to be friends with. Dasha is still a little chick, only 3 years old.) The parakeets mother is out of town this week so we are taking care of them. But we accidentally left the parakeets outside in their cage overnight on Sunday, and our parakeet Dasha got very nervous and she got bitten by someone through the cage! She is not doing very well right now, because she has an open fracture on her wing and it is very serious. My mommie took her to the parakeet hospital and she is getting her wing amputated today. The doctor said that she will probably be okay but we are worrying all day about her. She will be back from her hospital stay on Friday.


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