Deep thinkings

This week I have been working hard on my goals. We went outside for a walk everyday and I am doing good on my leash training. Also at night Mamaw practices cuddling up with me really tight so I get used to lots of cuddle time without biting. It is working well except I still like to nibbles just a little, but then she gives me a pat on the nose and says "no."

Today is the day that I will be going to Petsmart to try out new things. I think I will also go to grandma's house and hang out there for a while while Mamaw works.

Here is a photo of me in my office wearing my polo shirt and having some deep thinkings about the next steps in my life goals. Of course I will be continuing my harness training. Maybe just maybe the Veronica will convince the parents to get us the stroller and then of course there will be more walkses. I hope that the doggie trainer gets back to us soon about stuffs, but if not we will work hard on our own and I can still get certified for my birthday in Julys. Of course lots of volunteer hours are required until thens but I will manages. Papaw told his families on the phone yesterdays about my trainings and they thinked I can visit them too but they live in Missouris! Maybe I will go theres someday but it is far and also some of thems are allergics to me!!!

Today we got a reply from the Love on a Leash (LOAL) foundation for pet-provided therapy. Their nearest chapter is 2 hours away from us, and they only have doggies in their program. But they forward our message to the dog trainer to see what he says. Of course I am a mancat and I will not give up my job training just because of a small setback. They said we can still be a therapy cat even without a chapter in our town. But maybe now we will see about being a therapy cat with SARA, The Service Animal Registry of America, because it is the cheaper and only have to renew your licence every 3 yearses instead of every years. That is the registry that Princess Sugar Pie is registered with and she is very successful. Now I am waiting to hear back from the doggie trainer at LOAL. Also today I plans to work on leash training some more. This weekend I will go with Mamaw to petsmart to pick up some litters and practice leash training there. I hope we get some toys too since I have been so good.


Hello everyone.

I am the Fig and I am finally the old of age enough to have my own bloggy. Also, recently (this week) we decided that I would be the cat of Therapy Cat or Therapy Kitty. This kind of therapy means I will go with my beans to visit other beans in places like nursing homes or hospitals or schools and be the smart and give good advices and help peoples relax and have a fun times. I am all about the fun times. I know I can be a therapy cat because I am very laid back and relaxed and I like new people.

Here are some things that I have already done to get started. I have been wearing my new harness all week a couple of hours a day to get used to it. You can see it in my picture. You can't see that it has a id tag attached that is a blue star. It is the awesome. I hoped to get a green harness though but there were not many choices. Maybe when I go to Petsmarts I can pick out something new. Today also I practiced with my leash but I did not like it much. Of course working is hard works so I do not think it is a good idea to give up yet. Also, I am getting clicker trained. So far I can "Go to Mat", "Target", and "Sit Pretty." I am learning to come when I am called. Usually this is funner than my leash because I like treats. I have also practiced visiting my grandma's house once per week on Sundays for dinner and I like it there cause they feed good foods.

Here are some things I am planning to do this week:

1. Get better used to my leash.
2. Visit the PetSmarts with my mamaw. That is the first shopping trip of my LIFES! I hope I get good stuff. It is recommended for me to learn to be in new environments by the owner of Princess Sugar Pie who is a therapy cat.
3. Wait to hear back about specific requirements in my state about the training
4. Get better used to the bean-car. It's a Prius which I like it because I am an environmentalistic kitty.
Probably I won't blog everyday because working kitties are very busy. But I will keep updated with all new progresses. Don't worry being a therapy cat I can still be a mancat.


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