I weight lossed!

Dear Kitties,

I am proud to announce that I have weight lossed 2 pounds in the last few months! Do you see my "after" photo? My V-E-T told us that I should try to lose some weight for my health.

You almost cannot tell because I am so fluffy. But this week I stepped on the scale and sure enough I see some improvements. I have been exercising and working out with "Da Bird" and playing a puzzle game to get snacks.

My family is so proud of me! :)




  1. Angel, Kirby and Max said...

    WE are proud of you, too! We are not having any luck loosing.  

  2. Gemini and Ichiro said...

    I am proud of you too!  

  3. Keiko said...

    That is a fantastic achievement! Our Mummy says we're on a diet as well, but we haven't really lost much. Only like 300g. ...
    We are very proud of you!  

  4. Jans Funny Farm said...

    Congratulations on your weight loss. We'll have to get Jan to start exercising with Da Bird. Walking her doesn't help.  

  5. Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

    Thanks guyz! The way I have weight lossed is smaller portions. My V-E-T said I will not notice a smaller portion than normal very much and I didn't really notice. And I used to beg for food ALL THE TIME (and get it) so now I am not allowed to beg for food anymore...after I stopped getting food from begging, I don't do that anymore since I know it doesn't work, so that leaves my mom happy because she used to feel bad not to feed me whenever I meowed by the fridge! Now that I am a better weight I am also more active and enjoy exercising much more.

    Good luck all of you!



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