Shout-out to Princess Sugar Pie!

Hi kitties,

As you may remember, when I first started my Training to become a threapy cat and before I was even one years old, my Mommie contacted the famous therapy cat Princess Sugar Pie and asked for advice. The advice they gave us was obviously very, very good because here I am only 1/2 a year later as a full fledged therapy cat! Princess Sugar Pie is very famous and she has been on TV. I am very proud that I am becoming a good threapy cat just like her. I am happy to realize also that I am listed on her links for other therapy cats!

Look on the left for a photo of her that I am displaying here from her site. She has many cute outfits. She is a very nice and helpful cat, she has been a therapy cat for a long time now and I aspire to be as good as her someday!

I already got a little bit famous. My daddy was at a work-meeting today and his colleague asked him if he knows about Figaro the Cat who is at the library for reading programs, because he knows my daddy likes cats. And my daddy said, that in fact that I am his cat! And another colleague said, oh there is ANOTHER Figaro who visits my mom's nursing home. And he said, YES that is my cat too and he will be there on Thursday! I feel very special and famous.

Love love and lots of e-visits to you,



  1. Daisy said...

    Figgie, that is so cool how you are becoming known about town for the good works you do! Your mom and dad must be so proud of you.  

  2. Anonymous said...

    You are very special and famous, Fig!  


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